FTP Rush 3.4.6 绿色中文版
FTP Rush 是一个 Windows 平台下的高性能 FTP 客户端, 同时它也是一个优秀的 FXP 客户端, 不仅如此, 它还完美支持 SFTP 协议和 TFTP 协议。您可以使用 FTP Rush 来进行文件上传下载和服务器对服务器传输。FTP Rush 支持完全的界面自定义,您可以定制出您喜欢的界面布局和风格, 通过内置的脚本功能您还可以轻松地制作自动化任务。
FTP Rush is a high-performance FTP client for Windows, and it is also an excellent FXP client, not only that, but it also perfectly supports the SFTP protocol and TFTP protocol. You can use FTP Rush for file uploads, downloads, and server-to-server transfers. FTP Rush supports full interface customization, you can customize the layout and style of the interface to your liking, and you can easily create automated tasks with the built-in scripting feature.
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